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What Is The Stretch Mark Removal Treatment?

Striae, also known as Stretch Marks, are lines or streaks on the skin that occur when the inner skin layer is stretched thin and loses its elasticity. Depending on the age, they can be pink, purple, or white (depending on age). Stretch marks appear when the skin stretches, and there aren’t enough new cells to sustain the stretched skin. The most commonly affected areas are the breasts, thighs, stomach, hips and back. Stretch marks come about directly from the skin getting stretched due to rapid growth, such as during puberty, or weight gain, as seen during pregnancy. Although the skin has a fair degree of elasticity, such stretching is bound to leave prominent marks. Many pregnant women, in particular, experience stretch marks in different areas, especially in the latter half of their terms. Usually, these marks fade over time, and several treatments can help.

For removing stretch marks, laser therapy, micro-needling, plasma therapy, and chemical peel treatments are available and depending on the severity of stretch marks, your dermatologist will recommend the treatment.

What to expect during the consultation?

During the consultation, a thorough skin analysis with the type of stretch marks, their age, medical history, previous treatment taken, if any, your expectations and your treatment goals are discussed.

What treatment methods can be offered and the number of sessions required will then be discussed.

We will be customizing the sessions required after evaluating your stretch marks.

We will take a before picture, and pre and post-treatment care will also be discussed well. You will also be shown other patients’ results and testimonials.

Treatment Protocol at Metamorphosis

Stretch mark reduction treatment may include laser treatment, microneedling with plasma induction therapy, and chemical peels too! Depending on the type of stretch mark, these may be prescribed by your doctor as a single or combination treatment.

The laser treatment uses light that penetrates the dermis layer stimulating collagen production. This stimulation of collagen and elastin paves the way for new healthy skin to replace the old one.

In the treatment room, the skin is cleaned, topical anaesthesia is applied and kept for about 30 minutes; post 30 mins, the area is cleaned again, laser shots are given at specific parameters, icing is done after the procedure, and topical medication applied, post which you are good to go.

Another treatment coupled with laser therapy is Microneedling or Dermapen, which intends to create micro trauma, helping produce collagen to replace the old stretched skin with healthier new skin tissue. The treatment begins with cleaning the area and applying numbing cream.

After 25-30 minutes, Needling Treatment is performed along with the infusion of Hyaluronic Acid to help speed up collagen production. After treatment, one might notice redness on the treated area, which would be soothed by icing, and medication would be applied.

The redness may remain for a few days and then would disappear. Some scabbing may also occur. The next session would be conducted post 15 to 20 days.

Benefits and Results


Diminishes the appearance of stretch marks Effective treatment for all skin types

Almost complete improvement in      recent and shallow stretch marks

Non-invasive and Comfortable treatment
Skin gets tighter, firmer and smoother Minimal downtime
  Builds Self-Confidence
Diminishes the appearance of stretch marks
Almost complete improvement in recent and shallow stretch marks
Skin gets tighter, firmer and smoother
Effective treatment for all skin types
Non invasive and Comfortable treatment
Minimal downtime
Builds Self-Confidence

Results: When combined with plasma therapy and micro-needling, laser treatment is generally quite effective for stretch mark elimination. Still, the number of sessions required will depend entirely on how old and noticeable your stretch marks are. Aesthetically, 8 to 10 sessions are recommended to achieve desired outcomes, but this can range from 10 to 12 sessions in some circumstances.

Treatment Procedure

Cleansing of the area where stretch marks are present

Application of numbing cream to minimize any discomfort

Laser shots given onto the stretch marks

Cleaning the area and application of post procedure cream

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Synopsis of treatment

Procedure Time-45-60 minutes


Full Recovery-2 weeks

Male or female - Both

Sensitivity Period-48 hours estimated

Risks and Complications-Temporary pain, swelling, discoloration, bleeding and scarring.

Back to work-immediate

Results-Best Results seen in 8-10 sessions

Duration of Results-Permanent



Treatment FAQ’s

What Are Stretch Marks, and What Are Their Different Types?

Stretch marks are known as Striae in medical terms. They are scar that develops due to shrinking or stretching of the skin. Stretch marks are of different categories, namely:

Striae gravidarum, which is mostly pregnancy related, where the skin expands very fast in a few months; Striae rubrae marks are red.

Striae Albae is silvery white. Striae atrophicans are caused by skin thinning.
Striae caerulea is a dark blue mark.
Striae nigrae possess a deep dark black colour.
Striae are also classified into physiological and pathological striae.
Physiological striae aren’t associated with any underlying disease and conditions, but pathological striae are associated.

How Do Stretch Marks Form?

To understand this, it is essential to know the three layers of your skin, namely: Epidermis (Outer visible layer), Dermis (below your epidermis or middle layer) and Hypodermis (The deepest layer of your skin). Now then, the other essential bodies within your skin are collagen and elastin, proteins that are building blocks or, you can say, the backbone of your skin. These are situated in the dermis layer of your skin, which provides elasticity and flexibility to your skin. When your body grows faster than its average rate and the skin, it becomes a task for your collagen and elastin to keep up and gets overstretched. The connective fibres are forced to extend beyond their elastic capability and tear. Then, in the process of self-repairing and returning to its original form, stretch marks develop in the dermis layer of your skin and appear as patches on the skin’s surface. The internal tearing causes the blood vessels to be uncovered, leading to the development of purple, pink or brownish color marks. At the onset later, the dark colour diminishes into silvery white spots. The scarring can become less prominent over time, but the stretch mark will not fade away completely.

How Can One Prevent Stretch Marks From Occurring?

There are no sure-shot ways that can assist in getting you entirely off from developing stretch marks, but it may help minimise its occurrence to a certain extent. Drinking plenty of fluids and consuming citrus fruits helps keep your body hydrated. Well, hydrated skin is more supple and elastic and less susceptible to tears due to body gain. Another way is to maintain proper body weight. Especially pregnant women need to keep their weight within the healthy range and can plan a good healthy diet and exercise plan under their doctor’s guidance. Also, those who go to the gym must design their exercise routine involving progressive muscle growth. The problem is that your skin experiences difficulty in stretching, especially the bulkiness; therefore, it is advisable to go easy into training programs, giving less stress to the skin.

How Does Laser Work on Stretch Marks? What Are Its Benefits?

The laser uses light therapy that penetrates the dermis and stimulates collagen production. During the process, collagen is produced, damaged blood vessels are closed, and skin fibres are improvised to get a smooth texture to the skin and improve its elasticity. The benefits of lasers are: They can be used for all skin types, are USA FDA approved, gives faster results, permanent treatment, less need for medication post-treatment, improved healing, improved blood circulation in the treated area, and reduced inflammation.

How Safe Are Lasers for Stretch Mark Treatment?

The prime focus of laser therapy is to allow the skin to heal itself at its pace; they are very safe and only minimally invasive procedures.

What Happens to the Skin After Laser Treatment?

Soon after the treatment, you will observe the treated skin looking red and tender, but you have to take it as a good sign that your upper layer of skin has been successfully removed, thereby giving way to the regrowth of new skin beneath. In some patients, blisters may form, but there is no need to worry. The skin will heal in a few days. The stretch marks will most often look more prominent after each treatment before they heal.

What Can Be Done for Itchy Stretch Marks?

Try to avoid scratching and use good moisturisers or other topical corticosteroids but with a dermatologist’s prescription only to save your skin from developing any side effects.

What Is Microneedling(Dermapen), and How Does It Help Remove Stretch Marks?

Dermapen uses a fine bunch of needles to help stimulate cells in the skin known as fibroblasts, which produce collagen and elastin. So when collagen and elastin have formed, the visibility of the stretch marks becomes significantly less. Very effective for treating recent stretch marks. However, we use it in combination treatment rather than monotherapy.

What Are the Risks of Stretch Mark Removal Treatment?

Temporary pain, swelling, discolouration, bleeding and scarring.

Can You Permanently Remove Stretch Marks?

Yes, it can be permanently improved to up to 90% in newer stretch marks and up to 60% in old ones.

Does Removing Stretch Marks Hurt?

No, it doesn’t hurt, as the treatment would be done under topical anaesthesia.

What Is the Best Treatment for Old Stretch Marks?

Laser therapy coupled with a few sessions of microneedling, plasma therapy and chemical peels in combination would work best.

Why Choose Metamorphosis for Stretch Mark Reduction Treatment?

We know your skin best. We are a team of qualified professionals handling various segments of skin treatments, including stretch marks, and we use the Co2 fractional laser, which is one of the best lasers for the reduction of stretch marks.

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